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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to understand the importance of economic factors in order to live a happy life after retirement. Korea is suggesting the necessity of joining the individual pension as a means of economic factors. However, in spite of the previous studies that affect individual pension entrants, the participation rate of private pensions is still low. Therefore, this study considers the individual pension as inter-temporal choice context and suggests the importance of the time factor to increase the intention of intention in the individual pension. Time perception in this study refers to how closely you perceive the time between your current and pension benefits, or whether you are aware that it will be coming soon. The purpose of study 1 was to investigate the importance of time perception in private pensions. In Study 2, proceeding with a factorial design of 2 (prediction: forecasting vs. backcasting) x 2 (affective valence of events: positive vs. negative) to examine the effects of prediction, affective valence of events on purchase intention of individual pension and to confirm that time perception mediates these effects. The result of Study 1 showed that time perception is the most important explanatory factor for joined the individual pension. In Study 2, the main effects of the prediction and the interaction between prediction and affective valence of events on purchase intention of individual pension were statistically significant. Concretely, the purchase intention of individual pensions was higher than that in backcasting condition. Specifically, in forecasting condition, when participants were in anticipated negative events, the purchase intention of individual pension was higher than in anticipation of positive events. In addition, it was statistically significant that time perception moderated mediation effects. These studies have academic and practical significance by examining the influence of practical variables to promote the purchase intention of individual pension.
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