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The Effect of App Icon Design on Judgments of the App and the Government in the Safety-related Area


Various government institutions are providing public services through apps. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of app icon frame, one of visual elements of the app icon, on the evaluation of apps and institutions. When safety motivation is high, a frame of an app icon will be perceived as a ‘protection’ thus evaluated positively. Because users in the safety-related governmental services may have high safety motivation, It was assumed that the app icon design with a frame would lead to a positive judgements over the frameless app icon. Furthermore, it was assumed that the types of frame evoke a higher sense of protection would be evaluated more positively in a safety-related area. Two experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses. In Study 1, we tested the effect of the app icon frame on evaluations of the app and the institution in the safety and the non-safety domain. The app and the institution in the safety-related area were evaluated positively in a frame condition than a no-frame condition. In Study 2, in the safety-related apps, judgments about the apps varied by the types of the app icon frame. Specifically, angular frame condition showed positive judgments than in round frame or no-frame conditions, and the effect of frame types was mediated by protection perception. The results have implications to the practical suggestion of government's app management and the theoretical contributions to apps and design research.

App, App icon design, Logo, Safety-related public service, Government institution



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