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ISSN : 1229-8778
Art infusion, which inserts art images into product design or package design, is one of the marketing strategies that emphasize the differentiation of products through design. Previous studies have suggested that art infusion has a positive effect on consumer responses such as product evaluations and purchase intentions, and recent studies have shown that art infusion also influences the way consumers process price information. Specifically, an art image infused into the product leads consumers to perceive the price of the product as quality rather than monetary sacrifice. However, there is still a lack of interest in research on the relationship between art infusion and price information processing. and it is not considered much, although it may be influenced by various variables. Also, although the relationship may be influenced by various variables, it is not considered. This study examines the relationship between art infusion and price information processing of consumers, focusing on the product (product type), consumer (materialism), and art image (luxury level) factors. The results show that the influence of art infusion on consumers' price information processing occurs only when the products are search goods, when the materialism tendency of consumers is low, or when the luxury level of the art image is high. In these cases, the art image infused into the product causes consumers to perceive the price of the product as quality rather than monetary sacrifice. As a result, consumers evaluate the product more positively as the price level increases. When the products are experience goods, when the materialism tendency of consumers is high, or when the luxury level of art image is low, the effect of art infusion on price information processing of consumers does not occur. Finally, based on the results of this study, we suggest implications for effective art infusion strategy and pricing strategy.
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