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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study was designed to examine whether the social exclusion experiences would impact on the evaluation of different types of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) activities. Drawing on the Steriotype Contents Model(SCM) suggesting warmth and competence as fundamental dimensions for judging others, we defined two types of CSR activities as philanthropic CSR(warmth-focused CSR) and financial value-creating CSR(competence-focused CSR). We hypothesized that participants who experienced social exclusion would prefer the CSR activities conveyed warmth rather than competence due to their needs to belong and needs to reconnected to the world. The results from two studies supported our hypotheses. Participants who were induced to experience social exclusion evaluated the firm practicing philanthropic CSR more favorably than the firm carrying out financial value-creating CSR(Study 1). Furthermore, participants who experienced social exclusion exhibited more positive attitudes towards the philanthropic CSR firm as well as the products of the firm compared to those who experienced social acceptance. Social exclusion, however, did not impact on the evaluations of financial value-creating CSR activities(Study 2) Based on the findings of the current study, implications, limitations and possible future studies were discussed.
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