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The Effects of Consumer Value and Online Purchasing Motivations on the Advertising Effectiveness in Instagram


The goal of this study is to investigate the complex relationships between consumer value and online purchasing motivations in Instagram. Also, this study examined how online purchasing motivations affect consumers’ ad attitudes, brand attitudes and purchase intentions in Instagram. Based on 215 survey responses, PLS-SEM was conducted to answer research question and test proposed hypotheses. It was found that economic value, play, social value, ethics, and spirituality positively affect online purchasing motivations. Also, among factors of online purchasing motivations, online convenience positively affects purchase intentions. Both physical store characteristics and variety seeking have positive influences on ad attitudes. Finally, as predicted, ad attitudes subsequently affect brand attitudes and purchase intentions. By identifying latent consumer value and online purchasing motivations in Instagram, this study provides theoretical foundations. In addition, the findings of this study provides practical implications to help further develop marketing communication strategy.

Instagram, consumer value, online purchasing motivations, ad attitudes, brand attitudes, purchase intentions



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