ISSN : 1229-8778
The aims of this study were to examine the relationship between small luxury (self-reward, self-comfort, show-off) and dysfunctional consumption behavior (impulsive buying, compulsive buying) of college students and to confirm the mediating effect of self-control which acts as a deterrent factor in the process. The results of this study are summarized as follows: First, in the relationship between three small luxury motivations and self-control, self-reward did not show a significant relationship with self-control, but self-comfort and show-off reduced self-control significantly. Second, in the relationship between self-control and dysfunctional consumption behavior, self-control showed the function as a deterrent factor to reduce impulse buying and compulsive buying. Third, in the relationship between small luxury and dysfunctional consumption behavior, self-reward showed direct effect on both impulse buying and compulsive buying, but not all indirect effect through self-control. And, self-reward did not have a direct effect on impulse buying, only indirect effect through reduction of self-control, and direct and indirect effect on obsession buying. Especially, show-off showed indirect effect through the reduction of self-control as well as direct effect in both impulse buying and compulsive buying. The above results suggest that if ‘small luxury’, which is considered to provide satisfaction and pleasure to individuals who were under realistic economic constraints, is repeated without any other solution, it can be developed into dysfunctional consumption behavior through direct or indirect paths. In the discussion, we interpreted the because of the different influences of small luxury motivations to self-control, impulsive buying, and compulsive buying, and suggested for future research.
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