open access
ISSN : 1229-8778
This study explores how the level of parasocial interaction (PSI) and fandom formation that You Tube users experience when watching content affects their YouTube viewing behavior. Data was collected online survey from You Tube users aged 14 and older, with a total of 322 respondents who reported that they primarily watch recorded video content (250) or live-streamed content (72). Participants responded to questions about their PSI toward You Tubers, fandom toward the specific You Tubers, and behavioral intentions (to continue watching, donate, and purchase You Tuber’s goods). The results of the analysis showed that the degree of PSI, the degree of fandom formation, intention to donate to You Tuber, and the intention to purchase You Tuber’s goods were higher when watching live-streaming content than recorded video content. Second, user’s PSI experience had a positive effect on fandom formation, but no direct effect on viewing behavior. Third, the higher level of fandom was associated with higher intention to viewing behavioral intentions. Finally, we found that the differences in viewing behavioral intentions based on content types was not directly mediated by PSI, but was enhanced by sequentially mediated by PSI and fandom. This study confirms that the PSI experienced by You Tube viewers strengthens formation of fandom, and that fandom is a important factor that positively shapes the viewers’ behavioral intentions (continuous watching, donation, purchasing goods). These results suggest that You Tube creators should improve the viewers’ PSI experience by providing more communication opportunities with viewers when creating You Tube content.