open access
메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
동양에서 쓰이고 있는 약용패류는 육상 복족류 2과 5종, 담수 복족류 1과 2종, 해산 복족류 5과 23종, 담수 이매패류 3과 9종, 해산 이매패류 5과 24종 등 총 16과 63종이 약용패류로 사용되고 있었다. 이 중 한국산 약용패류는 담수 복족류 1종, 담수 이매패류 4종. 해산 복족류 7종, 해산 이매패류 10종 등 총 22종이 포함되었다. 앞으로 한국산 약용 연체동물 22종은 종 다양성 유지 및 그 보존적 차원에서 특별히 관리, 보존되어야 할 것으로 사료된다.
Molluscan drugs have been traditionally used as a folk medicine mainly in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Korea. Medicinal mollusks commonly used in the Far Eastern countries including Korea were investigated in this study, through a search of old and modern Chinese and Japanese literatures. A total of 63 medicinal species were listed: 5 species of two families in land snails, 2 species of one family in freshwater gastropods, 9 species of three families in freshwater bivalves, 23 species of five families in marine gastropods, and 24 species of five families in marine bivalves. Of 63 species searched, 22 species are occurring in Korea: 1 species of one family in freshwater gastropods, 4 species of three families in freshwater bivalves, 7 species of four families in marine gastropods, and 10 species of four families in marine bivalves. At least, medicinal mollusks occurring in Korea should be conserved preferentially to keep our natural resources and biodiversity.