open access
메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
The occurrence of the larvae, the size of the spats daily attached to the collectors, the difference of the spat size with temperature, and the darly growth of a mussel, Mytilus edulis, were investigated at the off Songpo, Chinhae Bay, the southern part of Korea during the period from March 1 to August 30 in 1986. The water timperature and specific gravity ranged from 7.0 <TEX>$^{\circ}C$</TEX> to 27.4<TEX>$^{\circ}C$</TEX> (mean 17,24<TEX>$\pm$</TEX>5.9<TEX>$0^{\circ}C$</TEX>), and from 1.0126 to 1.0126(mean, 1.0242<TEX>$\pm$</TEX>0.0023), respectively. D-shaped larvae had two peak occurrences in March 8, April 19, Umbo-shaped larvad three peaks in March 8, April 21 and June 17, and full grown larvae two peaks in May 13 and June 23, respectively. Therefore, it is assumed that the mussel had two mass spawning time in early March and mid April and two mass settling time in mid May and alte June. The maximum size of the planktonic mussel larvae ranged from 375-400<TEX>${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$</TEX> and most larvae sizing below 300<TEX>${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$</TEX> long settled in adquate substrate. Spats just after settlement had the range from 26.5 to 547.3<TEX>${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$</TEX> with the minimum of 225.0 <TEX>${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$</TEX> in mean shell length. The spats settled in summer season, when the water temperature raised above <TEX>$25^{\circ}C$</TEX>, were smaller than those settled in spring season in mean shell length. The early growth of the mussel spat had been assumed considerably fast.
한국과 일본에서 채집한 Bithynia manchourica, B. misella and kiusiuensis등 3종의 Bithyniidae 과 패류의 allozyme 을 분석한 결과 B. manchourica 가 다른 2종에 비해 유전적 거리가 멀었고(0.246)B. misella와 B. kiusiuensis에서는 유전적 거리가 0.217로 나타났다. 아울러 이들 3종의 GPI주행양상은 채집지에 따른 변이가 심하지 않았고 각 종에 따른 특이한 allele을 가지고 있었다.
홍합감시(Mussel Watch) 연구의 일환으로 1988년과 1989년에 남한 연안의 24곳에서 홍합(Mytilus)속에 속하는 종들을 채집하였다. 채집된 표본들의 패각의 형태 특성과 분포를 조사 분석한 결과 3종-홍합, 진주담치(M. edulis galloprovincialis), Mytilus sp. 로 밝혀졌다. 이 3종은 패각의 형태에서 뚜렷한 차이를 보이고 있으며, 지리분포와 서식지 수직분포에서도 나름대로의 특성을 보여주고 있다. 지리분포에서는 수온이 수직분포에서는 종간 경쟁이 분포의 제한 요인인 것 같다.
A study on the distribution and community structure of benthic molluscan shells of the northern coastal area in Cheju Island was carried out from July 1989 to June 1990. The benthic molluscan shells collected and identified were composed of 3 classes, 9 orders, 29 familes and 81 species. The first dominant species of the wpper intertidal zone of the northern coastal area in Cheju Island was Nodilittorina exigua and second dominant species were Heminerita japonica, Monodenta neritoides, Monodota neritoides, Littorina brevicula, those of middle intertidal zone were Lunella coronata coreensis, Monodonta neritoides and Omphalius rusticus. H. japonica, M. neritoides, O. rusticus, L. coronata coreensis and Niotha livescens were dominant in the lower intertidal zone, and Astralium haematragum was dominant in the infralittoral zone of within 60 feet sea water depth. The benthic molluscan standing biomass of intertidal and infralittoral zones were 145.71-705.55 gr/ /m sup 2 / and 84.57-1645.67 gr/m sup 2/ respectively, But thao among area and zones were apparently differences.
The present study on the classification and description of the marine mesogastropods based on the materials which were collected during the period from 12th to 17th of July in 1989 at nine localities of the Ullug Island. Seven unrecored species in 6 families of mesogastropodes are new to the fauna of Ullung Island. As a result of this study, 7 families and 8 species of marind mesogastuopoes are riported from the Ullung Island. Two species of thim, Costalynia costulata(Dunker, 1860), Barleeia angustata(Pilsbry, 1901), are found to be new to the fauna of Korea.
The present study on the classification and description of the marine archeogastropods based on the materials which were collected collected during the period from 12th to 17th of July in 1989 at nine localities of the Ullung Island. In addition to the 3fimilies and 8 species of the marine archeogastropods that have been reported, 7 familis and 29 species were reported including the 4 families and 21 unrecorede species from the Ullung Island as a result of this study. Among them, 3 species: Tugali decussata A. Adms 1852, Tuistichotuochus kima Shikawa & Habe 1965, Alcyna ocellata A. Adams, 1860 are found to be new to the fauna of Korea.