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메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
Morphological and histochemical characteristics of the cells in posterior tentacle antenna of Korean slug, Incilaria fruhstorferi were observed with light microscope. The epithelium of the posterior tentacle antenna was composed of supporting cells, sensory neurons and type-a clear cell. The columnar supporting epithelium was widely distributed in the posterior tentacle antenna, and the upper end of the cell was covered with acidic mucopolysaccharide. Nerve endings of the sensory neuron were distributed between type-a clear cells. It was usually located in tentacular knob, and the number of them gradually decrdased as close as tentacular stalk. Several cilia were observed on the nerve ending. Type-a clear cells were very brightly stained with all staining used, and the neutral mucous guanules distributed in the cytoplasm. Collar cells, type-b clear cell and various types of secrdtory cells distributed in the connective tissue. The collar cells were clustering in connective tissue, and the cytoplasm were filled with neutral mucous guanules. The cells and granules were stained with dark brown by silver nitrate stain. Type-b clear cells were irregular in shape and their cytoplasms were brightly stained wth many stains used. Ten types of secretory cells evenly distributed in the connective tissue and muscle layers of the posterior tentacle antenna. The five types of the secretory cells(A, B, E, J and L)seemed to secrete acidic mucopolysaccharide, and the other five type of the cell(C, D, F, H, and L)seemed to secrete neutral mucopolysaccharide. Muscular tissue composed of well-developed thick longitudinal muscle layers and thin circular muscle layers. Type-L secretory cells clustered only in muscular layers and they contained acidic mucopolysaccharides.
국내 11개 지역(경기도 옹진군 덕적도, 경기도 의정부시 소요산, 강원도 춘천시, 충청남도 태안군 안홍, 경상북도 울릉군 울릉도, 전라북도 부안군 변산, 전라남도 신안군 홍도, 흑산도 비금도, 진도, 제주도)에서 채집된 달팽이 (A. despecta sieboleiana)를 대상으로 외부형태 분석과 동위효소를 검출하여 각 지역 집단간의 형태적, 유전적 유연관계와 변이 정도를 연구한 결과는 다음과 같다. 외부형태에 의한 집단간 유연관계는 안홍과 덕적도집단(average taxonomic distance, D=0.358)이 형태적으로 가장 유사한 집단으로 나타났다. Polyacrylamide gel을 사용하여 11가지의 동위효소를 검출한 결과 AKP, ACP, AO, EST, GPD, HBDH, LDH, SDH, XDH의 동위효소에서 유전적 다형현상이 나타났다. 전 집단의 평균 다형형의 빈도는 59.19%이며 이형접합자 빈도는 0.263이고 각 집단의 유전적 차이치는 춘천과 울릉도 집단이 0.066(genetic distance)으로 가장 높은 유사성을 보였다. 지리적 분포에 따른 외부형태 변이와 유전적 변이와의 관계는 유의성이 없었다.
강원도 동해안에서 채집된 백합과 1종, 대복의 염색체수와 핵형을 분석하였다. 대복의 염색체수는 2n
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to reveal the esterase isozyme patterns of a freshwater snail, Semisulcospira gottschei, in the lake Uiam. From the result with inhibitors, it is tentatively concluded that four types (arylesterase, carboxylesterase, acethylesterase, acethylcholinesterase)of the adult(means of allele per locus=1.16, %polymorphism=16.7, heterozygosity=0.082)was lower than the juveniles(A=1.7, %P=16.7, H<TEX>$\sub$</TEX>D/=0.2215).
Radix auricularia coreana, the intermediate host of Fasciola gigantica, is the most common pulmonate snail in Korea, This species is often found intermingled with Austropeplea ollula, the intermediate host of F. hepatica, in their natural habitats. In the present study. the life history of Radix auricularia coreana was examined under three different laboratory conditions. Egg-masses were taken from the field-collected adult R. auricularia coreana and incubated in the temperature ramges of 22-26<TEX>$^{\circ}C$</TEX>. The hatching began after 11 days from spawned eggs, and complete hatching took about 12 days. The hatching rate was about 88%. The juvenile snails were cultured at three different laboratory conditions. When the juvenile snails were cultured in the aquarium fed on lettuce leaves at 22-26<TEX>$^{\circ}C$</TEX>, the snails reached 20 mm in shell length at 86 days after hatching. The bottom of each aquarium was filled up with washed sand(1.5 cm) and decomposing ark shells were put on the sand. The aquarium was then filled with four litres of distilled water and continuously aerated. Most of snails (93%) survived until the experimenta period. The dggs are laid in 40 days after hatching; the averge number of eggs per egg-mass was 40.8.
러시아 블라디부스톡에 위치한 극동대학 동물박물관 소장 이매패류의 목록과 주석을 기재하였다. 총 71과 520종을 기재하였는데 그 중 종의 수가 많은 과는 Arcidae, Cardiidae, Tellinidae, Unionidae, Mytilidae, Veneridae, Ostreidae, Pectinidae, and Asartidae등이다. 각 종은 lot와 표본 숫자와 함께 채집기를 기재하였으며, 모식종(type specimen)은 사진과 기재 일자 및 박물관 소장번호를 기재하였다.