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북방전복 Haliotis discus hannai 난자형성과정 동안 난모세포의 형태 및 계측형질 변화
주선미(전남대학교) ; 이정식(전남대학교) pp.1-7 https://doi.org/10.9710/kjm.2016.32.1.1

북방전복에서 난자형성과정 동안 생식세포는 조직학적 특징에 따라 난원세포 (oogonium), 난황형성전기 난모세포(previtellogenic oocyte), 난황형성개시기 난모세포 (initial vitellogenic oocyte), 난황형성초기활성기 난모세포 (early active vitellogenic oocyte), 난황형성후기활성기 난모세포(late active vitellogenic oocyte) 및 완숙기 난모세포 (ripe oocyte)로 구분할 수 있다. 난자형성과정 동안 난모세포, 핵 및 인의 크기는 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 핵에 대한 인의 크기 비율은 감소하였다. 난모세포 세포질의 염색성은 H-E 염색에서 호염기성에서 호산성으로 변하였다. 난자형성과정 동안 난모세포에서 난병과 젤리층의 외막이 발달되었다. 이러한 조직학적 변화는 난모세포의 난황축적 및 산란준비과정으로 판단된다.


The developmental stage of germ cells during oogenesis can be categorized into six stages with histological features: (1) oogonium, (2) previtellogenic oocyte, (3) initial vitellogenic oocyte, (4) early active vitellogenic oocyte, (5) late active vitellogenic oocyte and (6) ripe oocyte. The size of oocyte, nucleus and nucleolus illustrated the increase tendency but size ratio of nucleolus to nucleus was decreased during oogenesis. During oogenesis the stainability in the cytoplasm of oocyte changes from basophilic to eosinophilic in H-E stain. And egg stalk and outer jelly membrane was developed in the oocyte. These histological changes are seemed to be yolk accumulation in the oocyte and preparation process for spawning.

납 (Pb)에 노출된 굴 Crassostrea gigas의 사망률, 산소소비율 및 기관계 구조의 변화
신윤경(국립수산과학원) ; 주선미(전남대학교) ; 박정준(국립수산과학원) ; 진영국(국립수산과학원 남해수산연구소) ; 임현식(목포대학교) ; 이정식(전남대학교) pp.9-15 https://doi.org/10.9710/kjm.2016.32.1.9

본 연구는 납에 노출된 굴 Crassostrea gigas의 생물학적 반응을 알아보고자 하였다. 실험기간은 4주였으며, 실험구는 대조구 1개와 납 노출구 3개 (0.20, 0.40 and 0.80 mg/L) 였다. 실험 결과 납은 굴의 생존율과 산소소비율의 저하 및 기관계의 조직학적 변성을 유도하는 것이 확인되었다. 산소소비율은 대조구에 비해 납 노출구에서 15-55% 감소하였다. 기관계의 조직학적 분석 결과, 외투막에서는 혈림프동의 팽창, 상피층과 결합조직층의 변성을 보였다. 아가미에서는 새엽 상피세포의 변성과 섬모대의 소실이 확인 되었으며, 소화선세관에서는 상피세포와 호염기성세포의 변성 및 상피층의 파괴가 관찰되었다.


This study was conducted to find out biological response of the oyster Crassostrea gigas exposed to lead (Pb). Experimental period was four weeks. Experimental groups were composed of one control condition and three lead exposure conditions (0.20, 0.40 and 0.80 mg/L). The results of the study confirmed that lead induces reduction of survival rate and oxygen consumption rate and degeneration of organ structure of the bivalve. Oxygen consumption rate was observed exposure groups lower than control decline by 15%-55%. Histological analysis of organ system illustrated expansion of hemolymph sinus, degeneration of epithelial layer and connective tissue layer of the mantle. Also, epithelial degeneration and disappearance of cilia band are recognized in the gill filament and it was observed disruption of epithelial layer and degeneration of basophilic cell and epithelial cell in the digestive tubules.

한국 서해산 암컷 떡조개, Phacosoma japonicus (Bivalvia: Veneridae) 의 난모세포 발달과 난황형성과정의 미세구조적 연구
전제천(국립수산과학원) ; 김성한(군산대학교) pp.17-23 https://doi.org/10.9710/kjm.2016.32.1.17

암컷 떡조개, Phacosoma japonicus의 난모세포 발달과 보조세포들과 관련된 난황형성과정의 미세구조적 연구를 위해 전자현미경적 관찰에 의해서 조사를 하였다. 난모세포들 내에서의 난황형성과정은 내인성 자율합성과정과 외인성 타가합성에 의해 일어나고 있다. 내인성 자율합성과정을 통해 일어나는 난황형성은 난모세포질 내의 골지복합체, 조면소포체 그리고 미토콘드리아가 결합된 작용에 의해서 일어난다. 그러나 외인성 타가합성과정은 초기난황형성난모세포들의 기저부로 들어오는 난소외부의 난황전구체물질들의 내포작용 (endocytosis)의 결합이 관여하고 있다. 본 연구에서 전난황형성난모세포들과 난황형성난모세포들에 부착된 보조세포들이 용이하게 관찰되었다. 특히, 보조세포들은 영양공급에 의해 전난황형성 난모세포들의 발달에 관여하며, 난황전구체의 엔도시토시스에 의해 초기 및 후기 난황형성 난모세포들 내에서 난황형성에 관여한다. 성숙난모세포에 부착된 보조세포들의 기능은 보조세포들의 세포질 내에서 난황형성을 위해 지질과립들과 글리코겐입자들을 축적한다.


Ultrastructural studies of oocyte development and vitellogenesis associated with the follicle cells in female Phacosoma japonicus were investigated by electron microscope observations. Vitelloogenesis in the oocytes occured by way of endogenous autosynthesis and exogenous heterosynthesis: vitellogenesis occurred through a process of endogenous autosynthesis, which involves a combined activity of the Golgi complex, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. However, the process of exogenous heterosynthesis involved endocytotic incorporation of extraovarian precursors into the basal region of the early vitellogenic oocytes. In this study, follicle cells, which attached to the previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes, were easily found. In particular, the follicle cells were involved in the development of previtellogenic oocytes by the supply of nutrients, and vitellogenesis in the early and late vitellogenic oocytes by endocytosis of yolk precursors. The functions of follicle cells, which attached to mature oocytes, accumulate reserves of lipid granules and glycogen particles for vitellogesis in the cytoplasm of the follicle cells.

인천 을왕동 패총 출토 말백합 Meretrix petechialis (Lamarck) 의 성장선 분석을 이용한 패류 채집의 계절성 연구
안덕임(한서대학교) ; 류동기(군산대학교) pp.25-30 https://doi.org/10.9710/kjm.2016.32.1.25


Growth-line analysis was carried out on 80 hard clam (Meretrix petechialis) from the Neolithic Age Eurwang-dong Shell Midden, Incheon, Korea, to determine the seasonality of shellfish collection and site occupation. Growth increments and the marginal index (MI) of the specimens were examined. And then the marginal index was compared to the monthly MI of modern specimens under the assumption that the growth pattern was the same as it is today. MI of the archaeological specimens ranged from 0.12 to 1.55 and was divided into four categories: < 0.63, spring; 0.63-0.76, summer; 0.76-0.89, fall; ≧ 0.89, winter collection. As a result, 57 specimens (71.25%) of 80 specimens represented spring, 8 (10.0%) summer, 3 (3.75%) fall and 12 (15.0%) winter collection. The result indicates that shellfish could be collected year-round at the site with an emphasis on spring. Based on the size distribution of shells and the content of the midden, however, it seems that the midden site was not occupied permanently throughout the year but was used repeatedly but temporally for shellfish gathering and processing.

Unique substrate preference of Ostrea denselamellosa Lischke, 1869 (Mollusca: Ostreidae) at Haechang Bay, on the south coast of Korea
Noseworthy, R.G.(제주대학교) ; 이희정(제주대학교) ; 최상덕(전남대학교) ; 최광식(제주대학교) pp.31-36 https://doi.org/10.9710/kjm.2016.32.1.31


In the present study, we observed a unique association of the flat oyster, Ostrea denselamellosa obtained from a muddy substrate at Haechang Bay, the south coast of Korea in the spring of 2013. Fossilized or semi-fossilized veneriid clam shells, possibly Ruditapes philippinarum, were found adhering to the umbonal area of the flat oyster valves. This unique association of the flat oyster shells with the fossilized clam shells suggested that the flat oyster larvae utilized the clam shells as substrate during settlement. Since availability of clam shells in the muddy subtidal environment is limited, this unique substrata for the flat oyster larvae may limit recruitment of the flat oysters in the bay.

Effect of water temperature on embryonic development and larval survival of an intertidal snail, Nassarius festivus (Powys, 1835)
강신길(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) ; 성찬경(이에이치알앤씨 주식회사) ; 정지웅(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) ; 박동호(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) ; 이종현(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) ; 이창훈(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) pp.37-43 https://doi.org/10.9710/kjm.2016.32.1.37


This study was carried out to determine the optimal water temperature for the embryonic development and laboratory culture of larvae of an intertidal mud snail, Nassarius festivus. The embryos and hatched veliger larvae of N. festivus were incubated at six different temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30℃). Developmental time for each stage decreased as water temperature increased. The elapsed time to develop to the veliger larva at 15, 20, 25 and 30℃ was 559, 155, 131 and 103 hrs, respectively. At 5 and 10℃, embryo developed to veliger larvae but failed to hatch out of the egg capsule. In contrast, all embryos successfully hatched in the temperature range from 15 to 30℃. The biological minimum temperature during the embryonic development of N. festivus was estimated to be 9.5 ± 0.4℃. The cumulative water temperatures for blastula, gastrula and veliger stages were calculated as 111 ± 84, 486 ± 185, 1,164 ± 72℃, respectively. Temperature also affected the larval survival. Five days after hatching, more than 84% of larvae survived at all experimental temperatures. However, survival began to decrease after 6 days. It was 0% at 30℃. Survival of larvae incubated for 8 days was higher at 15 and 20℃ than other experimental temperatures. We therefore suggest that the optimal range of temperature for embryonic development and larval survival of N. festivus is 15-20℃.

오염 퇴적물 평가 기법으로서의 바지락 (Ruditapes philippinarum) 세포내 에너지 할당 (cellular energy allocation, CEA) 적용성 검토
성찬경(이에이치알앤씨 주식회사) ; 강신길(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) ; 정지웅(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) ; 박동호(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) ; 이종현(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) ; 이창훈(이에이치알앤씨(주) 환경보건안전연구소) pp.45-54 https://doi.org/10.9710/kjm.2016.32.1.45

환경오염 평가를 위한 생물지표로 세포내 에너지할당(CEA) 의 적용성을 검토하기 위해 바지락 (Ruditapes philippinarum) 조직을 대상으로 에너지 함량과 에너지 소비율을 분석하였다. 원유를 인위적으로 오염시킨 퇴적물에 바지락을 1, 2, 4, 7, 10 일간 노출 후 일부 조직 (발, 입출수공, 아가미 그리고 몸통) 내 지질, 글루코오스, 단백질 함량, 그리고 전자전달계 (electron transport system, ETS) 활성을 측정하였다. 바지락의 체내 지질, 글루코오스, 단백질 에너지 함량(energy available, EA)은 오염의 수준과 노출시간이 증가함에 따라 감소하였으나, 이와 대조적으로 ETS 활성은 그 반대의 경향을 보였다. 바지락의 조직별 EA는 발 > 입출수공 > 아가미 > 몸통 순이었다. EA와 EC의 분석에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 노출 최고 농도 (58.3 mg TPAHs/kg DW) 에서만 발견되었다. 노출 1 일째 발과 아가미에서, 노출 2, 7 일째 몸통에서 EA가 감소하였고, 노출 4 일째 몸통에서 EC가 증가하였다. CEA는 EA 또는 EC 보다 오염에 더 민감하게 반응하였다. 특히, 노출 1-7 일 기간 동안 몸통에서 CEA는 오염 수준이 낮은 (6.5 mg TPAHs/kg DW) 범위에서도 크게 감소하였다. CEA는 급성독성이 나타나지 않는 낮은 수준의 퇴적물오염 평가에서 EA 또는 EC보다 더 민감하였다. 바지락을 이용한 오염 퇴적물 평가시 노출은 4 일간, 그리고 몸통부위에서 CEA를 측정하는 것이 가장 민감하고 신뢰할 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다.


To evaluate the applicability of cellular energy allocation (CEA) in the bivalves as a biomarker for the assessment of environmental contamination, the energy contents and energy consumption in several tissues of the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum were analyzed. The contents of lipid, glucose, protein and electron transport system (ETS) activity in the foot, siphons, gills, and body of R. philippinarum exposed to crude oil-spiked sediments were measured at 1, 2, 4, 7, 10 days after exposure. The reserved energy (energy available, EA) in the lipid, glucose and protein decreased as contamination level and exposure time increased. In contrast, the ETS activity (energy consumed, EC) showed the reverse tendency. The order of available energy contents were foot > siphons > gill > body. Significant differences in both EA and EC were found only at the highest contamination level (58.3 mg TPAHs/kg DW). EA decreased significantly in the foot and gill at 1 day, in the body at 2 and 7 days after exposure. EC increased significantly in the body at 4 days after exposure. CEA showed higher sensitivity to the contamination than EA or EC. Especially, CEA in the foot and body decreased significantly at lower ranges of contamination level (as low as 6.5 mg TPAHs/kg DW) during 1 to 7 days after exposure. The CEA is more useful than EA or EC alone for the assessment of sediment contamination at lower level that acute toxicity could not be detected. CEA analyses in the body of R. philippinarum after 4 days’ exposure to contaminated sediments seem to be the most sensitive and reliable.

동남아시아 4개국 두족류의 분류 및 계통분류학적 연구
황희주(순천향대학교) ; 강세원(한국생명공학연구원) ; 박소영(순천향대학교) ; 정종민(순천향대학교) ; 송대권(순천향대학교) ; 박홍석(지앤시바이오) ; 이준상(강원대학교) ; 이용석(순천향대학교) pp.55-62 https://doi.org/10.9710/kjm.2016.32.1.55


In this study, we performed morphological identification and phylogenetic analysis in domestic distribution samples and direct collected samples in order to exactly identification for possible or currently imported cephalopod from the Southeast Asian countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and China). We collected samples at august 2015 in Thailand Hat Yai, Songkhla, Indonesia Medan, Vietnam Ho Chi Minh and Vung Tau. But China, we collected samples at middle of September due to closed season. A total 23 species of cephalopods were identified three order four family nine genus 23 species which is 1 family 3 genus 9 species in Octopoda, 1 family 2 genus 8 species in Sepiolioda, 2 family 4 genus 6 species in Teuthoidea. The 18 species were conducted phylogenetic analysis using cytochrome oxidase I (COI) which is well-known as molecular phylogenetic marker, except the 5 species by sequencing results showed severe variation or sequencing unsuccessful. The results of 18 cephalopods COI phylogenetic analysis were consistent with morphological identification. The excluded 5 species should be need further studies as re-analysis and detailed analysis.

Comparison of hemocytic carbonic anhydrase activity of bivalves
조상만(군산대학교) ; 정우건(경상대학교) ; 최영준(경상대학교) pp.63-65 https://doi.org/10.9710/kjm.2016.32.1.63


Carbonic anhydrase (CA), which is involved in shell formation processes in bivalves, is one of the major biocatalysts for carbon capture and storage. In this study we investigated CA activity in the total hemocytic proteins of five bivalves. The highest CA activity was observed in Scapharca broughtonii, which had more than twice the activity found in Crassostrea gigas. No CA activity was observed among the total hemocytic proteins of Pinctada fucata and Saxidomus purpuratus. The results suggest that marine invertebrates may provide a better source of CA, as an alternative to mammalian sources.
