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메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
Authors describe here five new species and three new subspecies of Korean Iand snail fauna. They are collected from the southern part of Korea including Ullungdo and Chejudo. The generic names of these new species and subspecies were discribed in the [ Il-lustrated Encyclopedia of fauna & flora of Korea V ol.32 Mollusca(I)]. The newly recorded species and subspecies are as follows:Genus Diplommatina Benson, 1849 Subgenus Sinica Mollendorff, 1885 Diplommatina(Sinica) paxillus changensis n. subsp. Diplommatina(Sinica) chejuensis n. sp.Genus Arinia H. & A. Adams, 1856 Arinia chejuensis n. sp.Authors describe here five new species and three new subspecies of Korean Iand snail fauna. They are collected from the southern part of Korea including Ullungdo and Chejudo. The generic names of these new species and subspecies were discribed in the [ Il-lustrated Encyclopedia of fauna & flora of Korea V ol.32 Mollusca(I)]. The newly recorded species and subspecies are as follows:Genus Diplommatina Benson, 1849 Subgenus Sinica Mollendorff, 1885 Diplommatina(Sinica) paxillus changensis n. subsp. Diplommatina(Sinica) chejuensis n. sp.Genus Cavernacmella Habe, 1942 cavernacmella coreana n. sp.Authors describe here five new species and three new subspecies of Korean Iand snail fauna. They are collected from the southern part of Korea including Ullungdo and Chejudo. The generic names of these new species and subspecies were discribed in the [ Il-lustrated Encyclopedia of fauna & flora of Korea V ol.32 Mollusca(I)]. The newly recorded species and subspecies are as follows:Genus Diplommatina Benson, 1849 Subgenus Sinica Mollendorff, 1885 Diplommatina(Sinica) paxillus changensis n. subsp. Diplommatina(Sinica) chejuensis n. sp.Genus Mirus Albers, 1850 Mirus junensis n. sp.Genus Paganizaptyx Kuroda, 1945 Paganizaptyx miyanagai ullungdoensis. subsp.Authors describe here five new species and three new subspecies of Korean Iand snail fauna. They are collected from the southern part of Korea including Ullungdo and Chejudo. The generic names of these new species and subspecies were discribed in the [ Il-lustrated Encyclopedia of fauna & flora of Korea V ol.32 Mollusca(I)]. The newly recorded species and subspecies are as follows:Genus Diplommatina Benson, 1849 Subgenus Sinica Mollendorff, 1885 Diplommatina(Sinica) paxillus changensis n. subsp. Diplommatina(Sinica) chejuensis n. sp.Genus Ratinella Shuttleworth, 1877 Retinella radiatula coreana n. subsp.Genus Sitalina Thiele, 1931 Sitalina chejuensis n. sp.
The chromosome numbers and the karyotypes of seven species in Unionidae are reported, using air drying in gonad. In seven species, the chromosome number of 38(2n) was counted. The mitotic chormosomes of A. arcaeformis flavotincta, A. woodiana and L. gottschei hd 7 pairs of metacentric and 12 pairs of submetacenrtic chromosomes, U. douglasiae had 6 pairs of metacentrics, 13 pairs of submetacentrics, U. douglasiae sinuolatus had 4 metacentric pairs and 15 submetacentric pairs, L. acrorhyncha had 5 metacentric pairs and 14 submetaacentric pairs, and S. triangularis had 5 mdtacenrtric pairs, 13 submetacentric pairs and 1 pair of subtelocentric chromosomes. The size of chromosomes of A. woodiana was the longest in length and L. gottschei was the shortest. The sexual difference of chromosomes was not observed.
한국해역 종합 해양자원도 작성연구(남해)의 일환으로 저서생물 분포 연구를 위한 조사가 1990년 7월과 8월에 남해에 위치한 83개 조사정점에서 수행되었다. 각 정점에서 van Veen그랩으로 3회씩 채집된 저서 생물 표본 가운데 연체동물만을 선별 그들의 분포 양상을 파악하고자 종 동정과 함께 군집구조 분석을 하였다. 조사에서 채집된 연체동물은 모두 679개로 다섯개 강에 102종으로 동정되었으며, 이매패류가 출현종수(84.3%)에서나 출현개체수(92.3%)에 있어서 절대우점하였다. 전체 연체동물군집에서 우점하는 일곱 종(이매패류 여섯 종, 무판류 한 종)이 전체 출현개체수의 61.0%를 차지하였다. 남해의 연체동물은 종은 다양한 반면에 서식밀도나 생물량은 매우 빈약하였다. 출현종의 서식 유무에 따른 유사도로써 집괴분석한 결과 다섯개의 조사정점군으로 나누어지고, 이 들은 특징적인 분포 특성을 갖는 두 정점군과 혼합된 특성을 나타내는 세정점군으로 대별되었다. 전자의 두 정점군은 Raetellops Pulchella와 Periploma otohimeae로 대표되는 황해의 저층냉수의 영향을 받는 세립퇴적물 군집과 뚜렷한 대표종은 없지만 대마난류의 영향을 받는 이질성의 조립퇴넉물 군집으로 정의할 수 있었다. 대마난류의 영향을 받는 정점군의 군집은 황해저층냉수의 정점군에 비해 종 다양도는 높지만, 서식생물량은 현저히 적었다. 아울러 연체동물의 분포와 남해의 퇴적환경이나 수괴의 조성과 변화를 고려하여 남해에 서식하는 저서생물 군집에 있어서 네 개의 분포구역이 있을 것으로 추정하여 그 범위와 경계를 제안한다.
A study on the distribution and community structure of the benthic macroinvertebrates on the intertidal zones of Gapa and Mara islets were carried out from March to June 1991. The macroinvertebrates collected and identified were composed of 7 phyla, 14 classes, 29 orders, 68 families and 132 speies in Gapa islet and of 7 phyla, 12 classes, 23 orders, 49 familis and 90 species in Maara islet. The first and second dominant species and the community dominance indices of the upper tidal zones of Gapa and Mara islets were Nodilittorina exigua, Pollicipes mitella and 79.01, 69.77 respectively. However, the dominant species of the middle and lower intertidal zones of the two islets were not identities and different among the tidal zones.
A study on the distribution and community structure of the benthic molluscan shells of the southern coastral area in Cheju Island was carried out from August 1990 to July 1991. The benthic molluscan shells collected and identified from 8 stations were composed of 3 classes, 7 orders, 22 families and 59 species. The number of appearance species from station 1 to station 8 were 22, 35, 32, 26, 28, 24, 32 and 31 species respectively. the first dominant species of the upper intertidal zone of the 8 stations were Nodilittorina exigua, those of the middle zones were Monodonta neritoides from st.1 to St.5, but the second dominant species were not uniftom at ach station.
금강수위에 서식사는 패류의 중금속함량을 알아 보기 위하여 1001년 4월부터 동년 10월사이에 우기를 피하여 금강유역에서 8개 지소를 임으 선택하여 채집한 8종의 부족류 중 비교적 각 지역에서 공통적으로 채집될 수 있었던 말조개와 채첩을 각각 10개체씩 선택하여 패를 아가미, 외투막, 폐각근, 족근 및 내장기관등 각 부위별롸 나누어 Cd, Cu, Pu, Zn의 함량을 원가흡광법으로 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.1. 각 부위별 중금속 함량을 전체적으로 본 평균값은 Zn을 제외하고는 전체 패류의 내장부위가 모두 다른 어느 부위보다도 매우 높은 함량을 나타냈으며, 그 다음은 지역에 따라 다소의 차이는 있언ㅆ지만 대부분 외투막과 아가미, 족근, 폐각근의 순으로 나타났다.2. 각 패류별 중금속 함량은 역시 Zn만을 제외하고는 상류로부터 하류로 내려감에 따라 중금속 함량이 높아지는 경향을 보였다.3. 여러 금속 중 Zn만이 각 부위별에서 내장부위보다 아가미, 외투막에서 비교적 높은 값을 볼 수 있었으며, 일반적으로 다른 중금속은 하류보다 상류가 그 함량이 적은 경향을 보였으나, Zn만은 상류족에서 비교적 높은 함량을 보였고, 지역에 따라 그 함량이 다른 경향을 나타내었다. Zn 다음의 중금속함량은 Cu, Pb, Cd의 순으로 그 농도를 나타내었다.
A scanning electron microscopic stuey on the glochidial encystment study on the golchidal encystment and excystment of Anodonta fukudai on Acheilognathus yamatsutae, a common natural hostfish, was conducted. The glochidium easily attached to the unscaled surfaces of the host fish such as the fins, lips, and the wall of the buccal cavity. For this study, the fins infected with the glochidia wer mainly observed in a series. The process of encystment was slowly progressed, for 21-25 hours for the early cyst and for 2-4 days for the thick walled cyst. The process of excystmint was visually detected on the 12th day since the attachmint was occurred. The first visible sign was a little tear of the cyst wall covering the hinge and marginal zones of the juvenile clam and once the little sign was appeared the progress of emerging and dettachmint of the juvenile clam from the host was finished relatively in short time. During the process of the encystmint, the cells participationg in covering the attached glochidirm were seened mainly supplied by migration from the surroundings. the shapes of the cells migrating and covering the glochidium were considerably changed and the surface structures of the cells lost their normal pattern of the surface ridges. The unstable forms of the cells were observed almost all throughout the period of the glochidial attachment. No cells of the host epithelium, which were still attached to the juvenile clam energing from the cyst, were observed. The most juvenile clams escaped from the cysts were a little bigger than the glochidia and they were still possessed of the golchidial hooks even though much degenerated. The first growth line was appeared on the shell valves of the juvenild clam when observed right after dettachment.
Heavy metals, Cd, Pb, Cu, Mn, Zn in water, sediments and molluscs along coast line of Hwang-hae(Yellow sea)were examined. The collection sited werer close to esturies of Kum-gang and Mankyeong-Gang, where industries have been rapidly developed along the rivers in recent in recent years. Cadmium and lead in water were 0.32ppb and 4.12 ppb respectively on Kun-san, but not on Jang hang. In general, Cd, Pb, Mn and Zn were detected in the regions of mouth paart of rivers, whereas none or far less amounts were detected from Puan, a control site: 20km apart from estury of Mangyeong Gang. Cd and Pb in sediments of Kunsan were 0.46ppm and 9.31ppm respectively and 0.36ppm and 0.41ppm in Shim-po, but far less amounts in Byeon san.Heavy metals in shellfish were: Cd 0.78ppm and Pb 0.42ppm in Kun san, 0.74ppm and 0.74ppm in Shim po, and showed higher values compare to other sites. In general, heavy metal contamination of sedimets and molluscs in each are were correlated with grade of the water pollution due to heavy metals.