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The study investigated the growth and appearance characteristics of domestic Yesso scallops, Patinopecten yessoensis (Korea: Gangneung hanging culture, Pohang sowing culture) and imported Yesso scallops (Japan: Hokkaido sowing culture) which being sold in the eastern coast area of South Korea, and compared their commercial value. In domestic Yesso scallops reared by hanging method, the relative growth relationship for the shell height was shown as SL = 0.6658 SH + 35.388 (R2 = 0.7071), SW = 0.1896 SH + 7.52 (R2 = 0.2263), TW = 4.35 SH . 302.72 (R2 = 0.7007), MW = 1.9975 SH . 175.58 (R2 = 0.7523) in shell length, shell width, total weight, meat weight, respectively. Relative growth relationship of each regions in Yesso scallop was shown the straight on growth in all three different habitat. The percentage of shell height to shell length (SH/SL, %) was 103.95 ± 0.36% and the percentage of meat weight to total weight (MW/TW, %) was 41.91 ± 0.27%, they were shown significantly higher than others in domestic Yesso scallop reared by hanging method. In the sex ratio of Yesso scallops according to culture mode, the percentage of female was very low as 3.3% compared to 96.7% of male in one reared by hanging method in Korea. On the other hand, the percentage of female was similar with female as 41.1-44.4% in scallops reared by sowing method in Korea and Japan. The size of Yesso scallops was larger and the ratio of meat weight to total weight was higher in one reared by hanging method in Korea than others. Therefore, Yesso scallops reared by hanging method in Korea has a higher commercial value than Yesso scallops reared by sowing method in Japan.
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