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메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
In the present study, we developed the upwelling system for the culturing of cultchless juvenile oyster and evaluated its effect in indoor and outdoor sites. Indoor upwelling system was made by using 1 L transparent plastic imhoff cone to move seawater from bottom to top. Outdoor upwelling system was designed to continuously upward water flow into inside the tank by discharging the seawater from the upper part of the tank to the central drainage pipe. Indoor culture periods were 2 weeks, and outdoor culture periods were 35 days. During the experiments, water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH were suitable for oyster culture. We cultured 1-8 mm cultchless juvenile oysters in the upwelling and downwelling system for 2 weeks in indoor. As a result, smaller oysters showed higher specific growth rate, and the weight increase was faster in the upwelling system. Subsequently, 9-32 mm juvenile oysters were cultured outdoors in upwelling system and off-bottom net cage facility for 35 days. As a result, it was found that there was a significantly higher in the total weight increase in the upwelling system. These indicate that the upwelling system is effective for cultchless juvenile oysters because it expands the use of seawater layers to increase food intake opportunities.
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