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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The Moderating Effects of the Anger Expression Type on the Relationships between Adolescent's Depression and Somatization


The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effects of anger expression type on therelationships between Adolescent's depression and somatization. The subjects of this study were 555students in the 1st and 2nd grade in high schools located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do. They were assessedby The Center for Epidemiological studies Depression scale(CES-D), State-Trait Anger ExpressionInventory-Korean version(STAXI-K) and Korean Children's Somatization Inventory. The results showed asfollows: First, adolescent's depression had significant effect on somatization. It was found that the moreadolescent experienced depression, the more they experienced somatization. Second, adolescent's depressionhad a significant effect on anger-in and anger-out. It showed that the more adolescent experienceddepression, the more they experienced anger-in and anger-out. Third, anger-in had a significant effect onsomatization. It was found that the more adolescent experienced anger-in, the more they experiencedsomatization. Fourth, it was found that anger-in had a moderating effects on the relationships betweentotal score of depression and somatization. Finally, the moderating effects of anger-out and anger-controlwere not significant.

depression, somatization, anger expression type, adolescent, 우울증상, 신체화 증상, 분노표현방식, 청소년



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Korean Journal of School Psychology