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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Influential Factors on Resilience of Middle School Students: Comparison of Inter- and Intra-individual Differences


This study aimed to compare factors affecting inter- and intra-individual differences of resilience. Depression and anxiety, academic self-concept, coping strategies, and resilience were measured among 400middle school students in Seoul. The first analysis was to determine risk and protective factors affectingindividual differences on resilience. Independent variables of the first analysis were depression, anxiety,academic self-concept, and coping strategies, and dependent variable was resilience, all of which weremeasured at Time 1. The second analysis was to identify factors influencing intra-individual difference ofresilience, which is the change of resilience, using standardized residuals of resilience as dependent variable. In this analysis, independent variables were depression, anxiety, academic self-concept, and copingstrategies, all of which were measured at Time 1. Results of regression showed that risk and protectivefactors affecting inter- and intra-individual differences were different. When it comes to individualdifferences, academic self-concept, problem-focused coping positively influenced resilience, while depressionand wishful thinking coping negatively affected resilience. On the other hand, academic self-concept, anddepression influenced intra-individual difference of resilience positively and negatively, respectively. Resultsof this study indicated that different factors affect inter- and intra-individual differences of resilience. Implications and limitations of the current study were discussed.

탄력성, 중학생, 보호요인, 위험요인, 개인 간 차, 개인 내 변화량, resilience, middle school students, protective factors, risk factors, inter- and intra-individual difference



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Korean Journal of School Psychology