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메뉴The purpose of this study was to identify the structural relationship among the level and stability of socialself-esteem, social achievement goals, aggression, and social anxiety of adolescents. This study also examinedwhether social achievement goals play significant roles in the mediation of the level and instability of socialself-esteem on aggression and social anxiety. The participants were 705 students(48.4% boys), first graders inhigh schools. Main results were as follows. First, the level of social self-esteem had positive effects on socialmastery goal and social performance-approach goal. Second, social mastery goal was negatively associated withproactive aggression, whereas social performance-approach goal was negatively associated with social anxiety. Social performance-avoidance goal was positively associated with proactive aggression, reactive aggression andsocial anxiety. Third, social mastery goal mediated the relation between social self-esteem level and proactiveaggression. The social performance-approach goal mediated the relation between social self-esteem level andsocial anxiety. More importantly, social self-esteem instability predicted proactive aggression, reactive aggressionand social anxiety indirectly through social performance-avoidance goal. These results suggested that highlyunstable social self-esteem raised a possibility to pursue social performance- avoidance goal, which, in turn,increased the involvement in proactive aggression, reactive aggression and social anxiety. The importance ofthe level and instability of social self-esteem as well as social achievement goal were discussed for the morecomprehensive understanding of aggression and social anxiety among adolescents.
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