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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Late Adolescent-Parent Conflicts and its Relations with Parenting Behaviors


Age differences in adolescent-parent conflicts and its relations with parenting behaviors were examined in 93 high school and college students by administering the Issues Checklist and individual interviews. Conflicts were relatively few in numbers, moderate in frequency, and mild in intensity. However, conflicts were more frequent and intense in high school students than in college students. Academic achievement was the problem which both high school and college students had the most conflict with parents. The next problems were cleaning the bedroom, bedtime/curfew and activities in high school students and financial problem, interpersonal relationship and appearance and health in college students. Adolescents explained their own perspectives in conflicts primarily in terms of personal and psychological reasons whereas they explained their parents' perspectives in terms of moral, conventional and prudential reasons. Conflicts were resolved by adolescents giving in to parents, by parents giving in to adolescents and by joint resolution to the same extents. However, parents giving in declined with age. Among three parenting behaviors, psychological control displayed meaningful relations with conflict frequency, conflict intensity and conflict resolution in both high school and college students, whereas parental behavioral control displayed meaningful relations with conflict intensity and conflict resolution in college students.

adolescents, adolescent-parent conflicts, social domain theory, parenting behaviors, 청소년, 부모-자녀 갈등, 사회영역이론, 부모양육행동



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Korean Journal of School Psychology