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메뉴The aims of this study were to confirm the mediating effect of maladaptive perfectism and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation on the relationship between adolescents’ family differentiation and worry. The data were collected from 494 high school students, and were analyzed through structural equation modeling. The main research findings were as follow: First, family differentiation had direct effect on maladaptive perfectism and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation. And maladaptive perfectism had direct effect on maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation. In addition, maladaptive perfectism and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation had direct effect on worry. Second, maladaptive perfectism significantly mediated the relationship between family differentiation and worry. And maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation significantly mediated the relationship between family differentiation and worry. In Addition, family differentiation had an effect on worry through the sequential double mediation of maladaptive perfectism and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation. The significance and limitations of the present study and directions for future research were also discussed.
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