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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Development of Parent-involved Program for Enhancing Elementary School Children’s Anger Control Ability


The purpose of this study was to develop a parent-involved program for enhancing elementary school children’s anger control ability, and verify its effects. For this purpose, this study analyzed domestic and overseas programs for anger control, and designed a comprehensive and systemic program development procedure comprising 11 stages of inquiry research, setting up program targets, structural elements extraction and content selection, setting up session targets, program presentation strategies, program content actualization, professionals’ validation processes, preliminary program implementation, final program implementation, and program effectiveness verification. This study performed the anger scale for elementary 5th grade 198 students and selected those students who obtained the score above an average of the total score (M=97, SD=17.9) and their parents as the subjects of this study. This study randomly divided the participants into three groups including the experimental group of 10 children and 10 sets of parents, the control group of 10 children and 10 sets of parents, and the comparison group of 10 students only. This study conducted 12 sessions of the program for the experimental group and the comparison group twice per week. To verify the effects of the program, this study conducted pre- and post-tests for the experimental group (parent-involved program for enhancing anger control ability), the comparison group (program for enhancing anger control ability), and the control group before and right after the program performance, and conducted afterward-test six weeks after the program termination. From the results of this study, while the comparison group showed a significant change in children’s anger level and parents-children communication at the time of the post-test, and retroactive status in the afterward-test, the experimental group turned out to keep the effect of the program in the post-test and in the afterward-test. As for the anger expression types of children and parents, the experimental group showed a more significant change than the comparison group. It is suggested that this study demonstrated the importance of parent variables for anger control as the experimental group of parent-involved with children that was developed in this study, showed a higher effect on enhancing elementary students’ anger level, parents-children communication, and anger expression types of elementary students and parents than the comparison group of children only did.

Enhancing anger control ability, parent-involved, anger level, parents-children communication, anger expression type, 분노조절능력 향상, 부모연계, 분노수준, 부모-자녀 의사소통, 분노표현양식



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Korean Journal of School Psychology