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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Moderating Effects of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction on the Relation Between Public Self-consciousness and Social Anxiety in High School Girls


The literature has shown that public self-consciousness is related to various indicators of maladjustment; however, not all of those who are high in public self-consciousness experience social anxiety. The purpose of this study was to test moderating effects of the basic psychological need satisfaction on the relation between public self-consciousness and social anxiety. Three hundred and eighty high school girls participated in this study and data was collected through a self-report questionnaire. The results of the structural equational modeling (SEM) are summarized as follows. First, the moderating effect of autonomy need satisfaction on the relation between public self-consciousness and social anxiety was not significant. Second, both the moderating effect of competence need satisfaction and that of relatedness need satisfaction were significant. The negative effect of public self-consciousness on social anxiety was stronger in the low competence need satisfaction group and in the low relatedness need satisfaction group than in the high need satisfaction groups. That is, in the low competence need satisfaction group and in the low relatedness need satisfaction group, the higher the level of public self-consciousness, the higher the level of social anxiety. In contrast, in the high competence need satisfaction group and in the high relatedness need satisfaction group, social anxiety did not increase to the extent of the increase in public self-consciousness. These results imply that whereas autonomy need satisfaction serve as a psychological nutriment for reducing social anxiety without interacting with public self-consciousness, competence need satisfaction and relatedness need satisfaction serve as buffers against the negative effects of public self-consciousness on social anxiety. Finally, practical implications of the results for intervening with high school girls suffering from social anxiety, limitations of this study, and suggestions for further research were discussed.

public self-consciousness, basic psychological needs, social anxiety, moderating effect, 공적 자의식, 기본심리욕구, 사회불안, 조절효과



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Korean Journal of School Psychology