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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

Factor Scales of Korean Personality Rating Scale for Children-Teacher Report Form(KPRC-TRF)


The purpose of this study is to examine factor structure of ERS and 10 clinical scales of the Korean Personality Rating Scale for Children-Teacher Rating Form(KPRC-TRF). The data were collected from 3,341 elementary schoolers at grades 1 through 6 that were rated by class teachers. The model of factor analysis was used Common Factor Model, an estimated volume of communality was got by refactoring, extraction method was selected principal axis factoring with iteration, and rotation method was selected Direct Oblimin a kind of oblique rotation. Two, three and four factors were extracted each 11 scale as results of a factor analysis, and then compared with the factor structure of KPRC-CRF. Finally, the limitations of this study and suggestions for adaptation to elementary school were presented.

Korean Personality Rating Scale for Children-Tdacher Report Form(KPRC-TRF), Korean Personality Rating Scale for Children-Child Report Form(KPRC-CRF), Factor structure, Child Assessment
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Korean Journal of School Psychology