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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

The Relationships Among Learning Skills, Motivation, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement


This study has two purposes. The first is to identify learning skill factors contributing significantly for academic achievement. The second is to verify the differences in use of learning skills affected by learning motivation and self-efficacy and the difference in academic achievement caused by the use of learning skills. Participants of this study were 553 high school students(male 191, female 362). As the result of factor analysis for eighty eight learning skill items, eleven factors were extracted. The factors were understanding of outlines, management of time and goals, making questions on his or her own, review, association and comparison, elaboration and systematization, strategies for exams, inquiry and use of other people, making essential points, intensive reading, and setting detailed goals. As the result of stepwised regression analysis for academic achievement by eleven learning skill factors inquiry and use of other people, association and comparison factors had affects on academic achievement. As the results of correlation analysis to investigate the relationships among learning skills, learning motivation, and self-efficacy, learning skills, internal motivation, external motivation, and self-efficacy had positive relations. As the result of stepwised regression analyst to investigate the affect that learning motivation, self-efficacy, and learning skills has on academic achievement, self-efficacy and internal motivation had affects on academic achievement. In summary, all three variables - learning skills, learning motivation, and self-efficacy - had affects on academic achievement and among them self-efficacy was the most affective variable on academic achievement. Therefore, to improve academic achievement, it seems that learning strategies and teaching methods in which not a single variable but ail three variables - learning skills, learning motivation, and self-efficacy - are considered at the same time need to be developed.

learning skill, motivation, self-efficacy
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Korean Journal of School Psychology