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메뉴This is a longitudinal study which analyzed suppression effects of active/passive coping strategies on academic burnout, using a structural equation modeling. A total of 357 middle school students participated in this study for two waves. In order to measure the levels of students' coping strategies and academic burnout, the Ways of Coping Checklist and the Korean version of Maslach Burnout Inventory- Student Survey(MBI-SS) were used. Latent variables were constructed with standardized residuals computed from a simple linear regression in order to capture the intra-individual changes between two time points. The results of this study are like below. First, the relationship between the change of active coping strategy and the change of passive coping strategy is positively and significantly related with each other. This result indicates that students under stress use various coping strategies simultaneously. Second, significant suppression effects were revealed between the change of active coping strategy and the change of passive coping strategy. That is, when controlling passive coping strategy, the negative relationship between the change of active coping strategy and the change of academic burnout increased. On the other hand, when controlling active coping strategy, the positive relationship between the change of passive coping strategy and the change of academic burnout increased. Based on these results, the value of this study and implications for counseling were discussed.
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