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메뉴This study evaluated the operating characteristics and the efficiencies of PAI-A positive distortion indicators developed on adults(PIM, DEF, CDF) and KDF constructed on Korean high schoolers. High school students administrated PAI-A under two conditions: positive impression instruction and standard instruction. The profile of positive dissimulation had high score on PIM, RXR, DOM, WRM, MAN and almost all clinical scales were lower than average. Through analysis of effect size and ROC curves to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the measures using different cutoff scores, the order of the efficiency of positive distortion indicators are KDF, PIM, DEF and CDF. Review of the identification rate estimates for each cutoff score indicates that the sum of sensitivity and specificity on specific cutoff score of KDF, PIM, DEF are high but that of CDF is relatively low. These results suggest that KDF is effective on detecting the positive impression management as much as PIM and DEF developed on adults. Also, adapting more than one indicator are more effective to monitor the response distortion accurately.
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