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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Voltammetric Determination of Ag(I) ion with Carbon Paste Electrode Modified with Macrocyclic Ligand? Containing Oxygen and Nitrogen as Ligating Atoms

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2002, v.15 no.1, pp.14-95

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Carbon paste electrodes, modified with 5,6,14,15-dibenzo-1,4-dioxa-8,12-diazacyclopentadeca-5,14-diene containing different ligating atoms of oxygen and nitrogen, have been employed for the voltammetric determination of Ag(I) ion from aqueous solution. The voltammetric response was characterized with respect to paste composition, preconcentration method, kind of anion, variation of pH, Ag(I) ion concentration, and possible interferences. Linear calibration curves were obtained for Ag(I) ion concentration ranging from <TEX>$3.0{\times}10^{-6}M$</TEX> to <TEX>$8.0{\times}10^{-5}M$</TEX>, and detection limit was <TEX>$8.5{\times}10^{-7}M$</TEX>.

silver(I) ion determination, cyclic voltammetry, carbon paste electrode, 5, 6, 14, 15-dibenzo-1, 4-dioxa-8, 12-diazacyclopentadeca-5, 14-diene

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