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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

A Study on the Pretreatment of BaTiOx Ceramics for the Analysis of Ba, Ti and W using Acid Digestion Bomb

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2002, v.15 no.1, pp.3-19

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pretreatment of tungsten added BaTiOx ceramics was performed to improve the recovery of Ba, Ti and W. BaTiOx ceramics were digested with HF : HCl ( 1 : 2 ) mixture in an acid digestion bomb at 220℃ for 3 hrs. The concentration of Ba, Ti and W were determined by ICP-AES. Recoveries of Ba, Ti and W were 99.6% , 99.8% and 99.2%, respectively. And their C.V. values were 1.02%, 0.73% and 1.79%. Using this method, the analytical results of Ba, Ti and W for a real sample were obainted to be 25.9% (w/w), 38.8% (w/w) and 3.31% (w/w), respectively.

<TEX>$BaTiO_x$</TEX>, Ba, Ti, W, acid digestion bomb, ICP-AES

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