- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
Carbon-coated <TEX>$TiO_2$</TEX> was prepared by <TEX>$CCl_4$</TEX> solvent mixing method with different heat treatment temperature (HTT). Since the carbon layers derived from pitch on the <TEX>$TiO_2$</TEX> particles were porous, the carbon-coated <TEX>$TiO_2$</TEX> sample series showed a good adsorptivity and photo decomposition activity. The BET surface area was decreased by the increasing of the heat treatment temperature. The SEM results present to the characterization of surface texture on the carbon-coated <TEX>$TiO_2$</TEX> sample and carbon distributions on the surfaces for all the materials used. The main elements of C, O and Ti were shown from EDX spectra. And the quantity of these elements is very rich in the samples. From XRD data, the pristine anatase peaks were observed in the X-ray diffraction patterns for the carbon-coated <TEX>$TiO_2$</TEX> at the different HTTs. However, the rutile peaks were observed for the carbon-coated <TEX>$TiO_2$</TEX> at HTT of 1073 K and 1123 K. Finally, the excellent photocatalytic activity of carbon-coated <TEX>$TiO_2$</TEX> with UV-vis spectra between absorbance and time could be attributed to the homogeneous coated carbon on the external surface and structural phase transform, and the photocatalytic activity was decreased by the increasing of the HTT.
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