- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
Pure macroporous silica matrix using a template of polystyrene (PS) was prepared by the sol-gel method. Macroporous Ag-SiO2 composite materials, which were homogeneously dispersed with Ag particles in the macropores, were successfully fabricated. The pure porous silica had ordered pore sizes of 100 nm and 200 nm,which was adjusted under consideration of the template size. The macroporous Ag-SiO2 composite showed the ideal ordered distribution of the pore in case of the adding of 3 wt% AgNO3 under consideration of controlling of the pore size as well as microstructural observation of AgNO3 concentration. The macroporous Ag-SiO2 composites had ordered 100 nm and 200 nm pores, and the Ag particles within the matrix showed the size of 15~20 nm.
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