• P-ISSN1225-0163
  • E-ISSN2288-8985

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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

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    Development of analytical method for determination of spinetoram residues in livestock using LC-MS/MS

    Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
    2016, v.29 no.2, pp.94-103

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    An analytical method was developed to determine the amount of spinetoram (spinetoram J and spinetoram L) in livestock samples. The spinetoram was extracted with acetonitrile and purified through a primary secondary amine (PSA) sorbent. The spinetoram residues were then quantified and confirmed using a liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) in the positive ion mode using multiple reactions monitoring (MRM). Matrix-matched calibration curves were linear over the calibration ranges (0.005-0.5 mg/kg) into a blank extract with r2 > 0.994. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.002 and 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. The recovery results of spinetram ranged between 81.9-106.4% at different concentration levels (LOQ, 10LOQ, 50LOQ, n=5) with relative standard deviations (RSDs) less than 10%. All values were consistent with the criteria ranges requested in the Codex guidelines (CAC/GL40, 2003). An interlaboratory study was conducted to validate the method. The proposed analytical method proved to be accurate, effective, and sensitive for spinetoram determination. The method will be used as an official analytical method in Korea.

    spinetoram, LC-MS/MS, analytical method, livestock



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    Analytical Science and Technology