- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
Controlling the quality of indoor air is important in order to maintain a healthy life. In this study, we investigated the correlation between the hazardous substance concentration of indoor air and circulation based on different ventilation methods in the apartment, which is one of the representative housing types in Korea. As target substances, we considered the hazardous substances which are generated during the cooking process and radon gas which is originated from building materials. We measured the concentrations of carbon dioxide and fine particles in relation to type of food and ventilation methods in order to determine the change in the concentration levels of hazardous substances which are generated during the cooking process. On the other hand, we measured the concentration of radon gas before and after letting fresh air into a room through windows in order to determine the change in the concentration level of radon gas which is originated from building materials. The results show that turning on the ventilation fan plays a major role in reducing the concentration levels of hazardous substances in the kitchen, and that it is more effective to turn on the ventilation fan during cooking than after cooking to prevent the diffusion of hazardous materials produced by cooking through the indoor air. Also, the results indicate that letting fresh air into a room through windows more than one time a day is necessary to reduce the concentration level of radon gas in the room to safe concentration range.
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