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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

A Selectivity Character for the Phase Transfer Reactions of Alcohols by Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Chloride

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
1995, v.8 no.1, pp.33-40
Jee, Jong-Gi
Cboi, Won-Bok
Lee, Kwang-Pill
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Only trace amounts of hydroxide ion can be extracted from aqueous phase into organic phase by Tetra-n-Butyl Ammonium Chloride(TBAC). Addition of small amounts of primary alcohols, particularly certain dials, dramatically changes the behavior of Phase Transfer Catalysis systems, and surprising amounts of base can be found in the organic phase. Quantitative measurements were carried out for the extraction amounts of primary alkoxides, secondary alkoxides, and diol anions into organic phase. On the other hand, the selectivity constants for extraction of primary alcohols and benzylalcohol could be separated to the equilibrium constants of the ion pairs such as <TEX>$Q^+RO^-$</TEX> and <TEX>$Q^+Cl^-$</TEX> in the aqueous and organic phases and this distribution coefficients between phases on anions respectively. In a word, the colligated property for the selectivity of <TEX>$Q^+RO^-$</TEX> in which <TEX>$Q^+$</TEX> is quaternary cation and <TEX>$RO^-$</TEX> alkoxide ion could be discussed in more detail by using of the corresponding free energies to the various constants mentioned.

Primary alcohols, Phase Transfer Catalysis, Organic phase, Free energies

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