Love Appropriation and Gender in the 1960's NarrativesKim, Bok-SoonLove is a conatus-social system.In 1960, gender was the most predominant category in narratives. The key words of love in male-gender point of view in 1960's was 'settlement, alienation, and body', and the female-gender was 'taste, deliverance, and virginal purity.' Male-centered petit-bourgeois and violent, sensual love was a comon factor in male-gender naratives, therefore, they never have romantic love.In female-gender naratives, love was a way to 'the liberty of women' and to 'the romantic love'. Womens' stories were focused on anxietyand frustration regarding to 'romantic love', which is very different from male-gender narratives.Such a 'romantic love' does work in god ways. Since they were against the modern patriarchy,preoccupied negative valuation on 1960'sfemale writers shouldbe withdrawn.Key WordsLove as conatus-social system, Love as settlement·alienation·and body, Love as taste, deliverance, and virginal purity, romantic love, swaping, militarism, anti communist enlightenment, reconstruction enlightenment, Seoul is full, Kim, Sueng-Ok, Man and Wife, Mrs. Mist, Barren Woman, Park Keoy-Hyong
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