A thrillers film should have a tight plot line to keep the audience in suspense. Verisimilitude is required to keep the audience in suspense. But <Bedevilled>(2010)embodies the Fantasy thoroughly even if <Bedevilled> doesn't depend on the verisimilitude. The matter is important to us. This thesis is focused on space and character of <Bedevilled> to review the Fantasy. Male characters were attackers in most of thrillers. Bok-nam who is main character as female in <Bedevilled> changed the attacker from the victim by herself in an instant. Also, 'Modo' which is the space of <Bedevilled> is full of the Symbolic order. But the Symbolic order of the Modo was subverted by Bok-nam as female characters. It is important that Bok-nam completed a near-impossible assignment. It is 'Fantasy'that impossibility can become possibility. The Fantasy not only lets Bok-nam get upsides with attacker but also gives a lot of creative appeal to narrative structure. So the Fantasy brings the house down and makes audience feel catharsis. However 'Fantasy' degenerated into 'the uncanny' while Bok-nam goes into police station of land as the Symbolic order. <Bedevilled> has lost much of the glamor at this point. That is one of the drawbacks of 'the uncanny' and limits of <Bedevilled>.
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