The purpose of his paper is to consider the relation of a modern state and modern academy, especially Sasanggye and academism. To do this work, I tried to make it clear that Sasanggye designated litterae humaniores to achieve the goal of idea formulation at first, but gradually its focus moved to social science because of the response to the request of the times. And I investigated that Sasanggye had intensively refined academism to settle down the academic writing tradition as its subordinated subject. It means Sasanggye took the role of a learned journal. At that time, as South Korea was a newly emerging nation, intellectuals tried to have new knowledges for nation-building. And the academic community and knowledge production systems had not constructed yet, Sasanggye took the charge of that role. So learned journals which were published by the learned societies and Sasanggye were not distinguished easily in the 1950s. But Sasanggye had a exclusive possession in classifying knowledges with particular methods. In other words it adopted a particular branch of learning as a foothold and attempt to hierarchize the academy. And through the process of its arranging learning, economics and historical science were embossed as the important knowledges in Sasanggye. The reason why they took the important role was to have power to explain the actualities concretely. However, Sasanggye is also noticeable in the respect of training the scholars by presenting abundant paper samples. And in the primary stage of Sasanggye, this scholar training was none other than reader training, Until 1954 its readers were scholars mostly. But in 1955 Sasanggye changed the main reader with university students and thirties intellectuals. This was for popularization of the academic knowledge. For This purpose, Sasanggye invited the public to join in the prize contest for the papers on university students which they could participate in after learning how to write academic papers. And Sasanggye boldly devoted space to the papers written by university students if they were remarkable. But as Sasanggye extended the range of the reader, the characteristic of a popular culture magazine for the well-educated classes was strengthen gradually. Undoubtedly it had relations with the continuously demand by the reader.
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