Sense and body was understood as an important and necessary element for forming a subject at the Joseon literary world in the early 1920’s, which was denied by the enlightenment and reason. With this, they tried to find the freedom of the individual and give a high value to inner personality. Also No, Ja-young persuaded the way for self-affirmation, which is aware of personality, as romantic approaching to sense, emotion and passions at the novel in the 1920’. The sense of youth yearned dating which is an appreciator of personality and unknown, and had desire to have a family through romantic love. The public’s longing for dating of the day was a foundation which No, Ja-young generates literature, and an opportunity to spread it, so there are full of optimism of appropriateness at his novel in 1920’s, which realizes ‘complete self’ or ‘real-self’. This appropriateness can be met with romantic aesthetic sense as an optimistic prospect for future and dating or made with a tragic grudge following failure of realization of love and his idea. On the other hand, at No ja young’s novel in 1930’, he took the focus on various existences in the real world and their ‘self-crack’, while putting ‘complete self’ and ‘real-self’ in brackets. Therefore, while his novels was reproduced the achievement of self-development that a society personage of the colonized Joseon period obtained and appeared their personal deception or snobbery in the private field at the same time, which it had both such attitude like that. Like that, while No, Ja-young combined ideologically the enlightened declaration for romance of sense and personality into the novel of 20’s, at one of 30’, it was disclosing in naturalism that romantic aesthetic sense was failing completely in closeness and pitiableness of the daily life world. Such attitude in naturalism has a limitation that can’t change the violating mind which is mockery and overturned value, to the real power.
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