This paper brought forward from the question, why were too so many novels that made issues of the bad woman, against the novels on race, class, labor, ability were not in the novels of 1950s. Why the novels of 1950s, in particular way, was connected with narrative justice as ‘bad’ to the category of ‘gender’? Upon investigation, ‘bad woman frame’ was implicated in narrative justice as ‘bad’, and also the problemes of justification of inequality. Made an additional remark, this paper examined ‘bad woman frame’ was connected with the perpetuating state of exception and global Cold War system. The typical objects, pointed out ‘bad woman’ in the novels of 1950s, were madame freedom, foreigners’ whore, female agent, femme fatale. They had something in common, appropriated as gender among several categories about justification of inequalities. In these processes, the issues as the categories of freedom, labor, nation-state, salvation were eliminated. The ways of the Cold War-aesthetics were the easiest one which South Korean Novels selected. They proved some distinct characteristics of South Korean ways as ‘Cold War capitalism’ and ‘patriarchal society’ in 1950s.
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