This paper clarifies the relationship between the aesthetics and anti-individualism of Kim Yu-jung's novels. The novels deny rationality, which separates pure subjects and pure objects. Instead, his stories proceed with a relational perspective. Kim Yu-jung's novels carry the sense of otherness, which means that the existence of 'I' comes from relationships with others, and the sufferings of others are embraced as 'my' pain, in other words, one's own pain. Individualism, the core principle of the modern capitalism, dominates nature and society based on the fundamentals of competition. Such individualism destroys communal cooperation. Kim Yu-jung accepts Kropotkin's theory, and hopes communities to establish upon cooperation rather than upon competition. Kim Yu-jung claims 'great love' as the fundamental principle for community. 'Great love' is a principle that denies competition and domination, and expands love and freedom within a society. Kim Yu-jung's novels show the process of seeking and exploring this 'great love'. This paper analyzes and confirms that the popularity of Kim Yu-jung's novels have relevance to anarchism, which is a combination of socialism and liberalism. Through the analysis, it is shown that Kim Yu-jung’s novels deny capitalistic individualism and socialistic totalitarianism.
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