ISSN : 2287-8327
We developed the estimation model for the vegetation developmental processes on the severely burned slope areas after forest fire in the east coastal region, Korea. And we calculated the vegetation indices as a useful parameter for the development of land management technique in the burned area and suggested the changes of the vegetation indices after forest fire. In order to estimate the woody standing biomass in the burned area, allometric equations of the 17 woody species regenerated by sprouter were investigated. According to the our results, twenty year after forest fire need for the development to the normal forest formed by 4 stratum structure, tree, sub-tree, shrub and herb layer. The height of top vegetation layer, basal area and standing biomass of woody species show a tendency to increase linearly, and the ground vegetation coverage and litter layer show a tendency to increase logarithmically after forest fire. Among vegetation indices, Ivc and Ivcd show a tendency to increase logarithmically, and Hcl and Hcdl show a tendency to increase linearly after forest fire. The spatial variation of the most vegetation factors was observed in the developmental stages less than the first 5 years which were estimated secondary disaster by soil erosion after forest fire. Among vegetation indices, Ivc and Ivcd were the good indices for the representation of the spatial heterogeneity in the earlier developmental stages, and Hcl and Hcdl were the useful indices for the long-term estimation of the vegetation development after forest fire.
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