ISSN : 2287-8327
The survey of birds in Nakdong River Basin was conducted from March in 2003 to February in 2004. This study shows that the population of birds was 94,481 individuals and 114 species. The bird recorded in Daemadeung (I) was 21,781 individuals and 55 species. It is surrounded with silt to have a better condition for a habitat and the rest place than other areas in the Nakdong River Basin. In the traits of the groups, Grebes were well established in the lower estuary(Eulsook islet), Cormorants in the main stream of the Nakdong River and around West Nakdong River (F). Swans, Shelduck and Shorebirds were using silt in the lower estuary where the depth of water is shallow, dabbling ducks were also established in West Nakdong River (F) and Yummak (C), diving ducks in the upper Nosan Watergate in West Nakdong River (F). Besides, land birds was distributed in the Yummak (C), Eulsook islet (A) and West-Nakdong River (F). Because they are connected with the artifical forest in Eulsook Islet Garbage Field and Ilwoong islet, it is good for the land birds and the water birds to have a habitat in this kinds of vacant lot. The Nakdong River Basin is not only an important area as the habitat and rest place for ducks and geese but also one of the areas where we can not get out of the temptation to development. To preserve effectively the natural habitat from human s intervention, it needs to keep supervising in Daejeo Watergate (E) and the upper area Noksan watergate in West Nakdong River (F) and Yummak (C)
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