ISSN : 2287-8327
An important theme of this paper is to search for more genelalities of diversity and distributiones were analyzed by the Zurich-Montpellier Schol's method and generalized habitat characteristics by using Euclidean coefficient and PCoA (Principal Cordinates Analysis). Five plant comunities were classified and matched into largely two physiognomic types: grass-types such as Eragrostis ferruginea community, Eleusine indica community, Setaria viridis community, Digitaria ciliaris community, and forb-type of Plantago asiatica community only. These plant and moisture in microhabitat conditions: stable-moderate, unstable-moderate, stable-dry, and unstable-dry. Top-ten species showing the highest relative net contribution degree(r-NCD) were Digitaria ciliaris, Eleusine indica, Eragrostis feruginea, Plantago asiatica, Echinochloa crus-galli, Trifolium repens, Polygonum aviculare, Setaria viridis, Setaria glauca and Artemisia princeps. The front three species showing more than 50% in percent r-NCD possess florescence after monsoon season. It is critically pointed out that the regional ecological diferentiations i.e. the Daegu bioclimatic division, the C4-plant dominant season(post-monsoon) of Korean peninsula, and species composition diferent from Japan's Plantaginetalia asiaticae, are the basis for deriving characteristics of the roadbed trampled plant communities of Daegu.
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