Atmospheric Acid Deposition: Nitrogen Saturation of Forests: Volume weighted annual averagewet deposition of nitrogen at 33 sites in Korea during 1999-2004 ranged 7.28 to 21.05 kgNha-1yr-1with average 12.78 kgN ha-1yr-1, which values are similar level with nitrogen deposition of Europe and North America. The temperate forests that suffered long-term high atmospheric nitrogen deposition are gradually saturated with nitrogen. Such nitrogen saturated forest watersheds usually leach nitrate ion (NO3-) in stream water and soil solution. It may be likely that Korean forest ecosystems are saturated by much nitrogen system is disturbed, suffered easily frost damage and blight disease, reduced fine-root vitality and mycorrhizal activity. Consequently nitrogen saturated forests decrease primary productivity and finally become forest decline. Futhermore understory species are replaced the nitrophobous species by the nitrophilous one. In soil with nitrogen saturation uptake of methane (CH4) is reduced and emission of nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are increased, which gases are greenhouse gas accelerating global warming.
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