ISSN : 2287-8327
The study analyzed the distribution of mamalia pe r altitude in Gamebong, the highest trail ofJuwangsan National Park and confirmed the inhabitation of 22 different species inhabiting in the park. Starting from 200 m to 800 m above the sea level was segmented into 100 m unit. The result of analysis has shown that the Tamias sibiricus is the dominant specie throughout in all segments. Species confirmed to be inhabiting in all segments of research areas were Mustela sibirica, Caproelus pygargus and squirel. By analyzing the confirmed Field Sign basing from the observation point, it has shown close relations between types of species and population following the increase in altitude (y=-0.0234X + 25.552, R2=0.9296, F0.05(1, 4)=7.71, p<0.05). However, the result of analysis targeting nine species inhabiting in at least five out of six 100 m segmented units has shown that only two species, Apodemus agrarius (y=-0.034X+25.2, R2=0.905, F0.05(1, 4)=38.169, p<0.01) and Sciurus vulgaris (y=-0.0154X + 12.819, R2=0.781, F0.05(1, 4)=14.270, p<0.05) were affected by the altitude. Therefore, it is judged that the distribution of species does not follow the altitude variation but follows the food conditions and the structure of habitat. The result of analysis of Box and Whisker Diagram had shown lowest quartile deviation(QU-QL ~300 m above the sea level, where hikers are prohibited from entering. In 500~600 m above the sea level segment that has similar food environment and trail, it has shown the widest distribution. Further research is required on this segment for the excretion drops of Prionailurus bengalensis, a Grade II class of endangered species, were found on the trails.
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