ISSN : 2287-8327
This study was carried out to classify all forest vegetation types in Ulleung Island, Korea usingthe methodology of the Z.-M. school's phytosociology, and map out the spatial distribution patterns of those vegetation types. The forest vegetation was classified into the mountain forest type (Acer okamotoanum comunity group) and maritime forest type (Artemisia scoparia community group). Vegetation units at the comunity level were divided into three categories; six comunities, sixteen groups, and seven subgroups, Fagus engleriana comunity accounted for 1,952 ha (35.2%), Hedera rhambea comunity for 1,196 ha (21.6%), Camellia japonica comunity for 1,104 ha (19.9%), Sambucus sieboldiana var. pendula comunity for 612 ha (11.0%), Aster spathulifolius comunity for 506 ha (9.1%), and Tsuga sieboldii - Pinus parviflora community for 174 ha (3.1%). According to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), variables such as Mg2+, pH, Ca2+ maritime vegetation types, and variables such as total nitrogen, carbon content, C/N ratio and cation exchange capacity (CEC) were highly correlated in mountain vegetation types, respectively. The sea level and the slope direction were not showing regular trend as a factor to decide on species diversity, evenness and richness in this research area. But it seems to be affected by topography, slope degree and dominance vegetation.
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