ISSN : 2287-8327
This work was investigated the effects of the elevated CO2 and Pb contamination on the growthof Pinus densiflora. Two-years pine trees were planted in Pb-contaminated soils (500 mg/kg-soil) and uncontaminated soils, and cultivated for 3 months in the growth chamber where CO2 concentration was controlled at 380 or 760 ppmv. The growth of P. densiflora were comparatively analyzed in 4 kinds of soil samples (CA : CO2 380 ppmv + Pb 0 mg/kg, CB : CO2 380 ppmv + Pb 500 mg/kg, EA : CO 2 760 ppmv + Pb 0 mg/kg, EB : CO2 760 ppmv + Pb 500 mg/kg). It was measured the growth changes of the P. densiflora caused by CO 2 concentration and Pb contamination. The growth of P. densiflora was remarkably inhibited in the Pb-contaminated soil, although the biomass and the root elongations were not significantly affected by the elevated CO2. These results suggested that the growth of P. densiflora was sensitively influenced by Pb contamination rather than CO2 concentration. Compared to the initial soil, total Pb concentration in the soil samples was decreased at 760 ppmv CO 2 as well as at 380 ppmv CO 2 after 3 months. The accumulation of Pb in the roots at 760 ppmv CO2 was two-fold of that at 380 ppmv CO2, indicating that Pb bioavailability in the root of P. densiflora might be affected by the elevated CO2.
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