ISSN : 2287-8327
Effects of Pb and CO2 on soil microbial community associated with Pinus densiflora wereinvestigated using comunity level physiological profiles (CLPP) and 16S rDNA PCR-denaturing gradient gel taminated soils, and cultivated for 3 months in the growth chamber where CO2 concentration was controlled at 380 or 760 ppmv. The structure of microbial community was analyzed in 6 kinds of soil samples (CA-0M : CO2 380 ppmv + Pb 0 mg/kg + initial, CB-0M : CO2 380 ppmv + Pb 500 mg/kg + initial, CA-3M : CO2 380 pmv + Pb 0 mg/kg + after 3 months, CB-3M : CO2 380 ppmv + Pb 500 mg/kg + after 3 months, EA-3M : CO2 760 ppmv + Pb 0 mg/kg + after 3 months, EB-3M : CO2 760 ppmv + Pb 500 mg/kg + after 3 months). After 3 months, the substrate utilization in the uncontaminated soil samples (CA-3M vs EA-3M) was not significantly influenced by CO2 concentrations. However, the substrate utilization in the Pb-contaminated soil samples (CB-3M vs EB-3M) was enhanced by the elevated CO2 concentrations. The results of principal component analysis based on substrate utilization activities showed that the structure of microbial community structure in each soil sample was grouped by Pb-contamination. The similarities of DGE fingerprints were 56.3 % between the uncontaminated soil samples (CA-3M vs EA-3M), and 71.4% between the Pb-con-2 380 ppmv (CA-3M vs CB-3M) and CO2 760 ppmv (EA-3M vs EB-3M) were 53.3% and 35.8%, respectively. These results suggested that the structure of microbial community associated with Pinus densiflora were sensitively specialized by Pb-contamination rather than CO2 concentration.
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