ISSN : 2287-8327
We used the Braun-Blanquet method to study coastal dune vegetation of South Korea. Coastalvegetation was monitored in thirty sites from April 2004 to September 2005. Seventeen plant comunities were classified into five groups as follows: A. Two associations of herbaceous sand dune plants in Salsoletea komarovii Ohba, Miyawaki et Tx. 1973 (Calystegia soldanella comunity, Lathyrus japonicus-Calystegia solda-nella comunity), B. Twelve associationsMiyawaki et Tx. 1973 (Carex pumila community, Elymus mollis community, Vitex rotundifolia-Elymus mollis com-munity, Ixeris repens community, Elymus mollis-Ixeris repens comunity, Lathyrus japonicus community, Messershmidia sibirica community, Glehnia littoralis community, Carex kobomugi community, Calystegia solda-nella-Carex kobomugi community, Ishaemum anthephoroides community, Zoysia macrostachya community), C. One association of shrubby perennial sand dune plant in Viticetea rotundifoliae Ohba, Miyawaki et Tx. 1973 (Vitex rotundifolia community), D. One association of shrubby perennial sand dune plant in Rosetea multiflorae Ohba, Miyawaki et Tx. 1973 (Rosa rugosa comunity), E. The naturalized comunity ( Diodia teres community).
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(2007) Received April 4 Accepted May 22,