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Diatom flora of genus Stauroneis (Bacillariophyta) from mainly the mountain peatlands of Korea

Journal of Ecology and Environment / Journal of Ecology and Environment, (P)2287-8327; (E)2288-1220
2014, v.37 no.4, pp.257-270

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In a survey of periphytic and benthic diatoms in Korea, diatoms of genus Stauroneis were found to be widely distributedover freshwaters, rivers and streams, lakes and reservoir, wetlands in lowland and mountain areas, and even subaerialterrestrial habitats. However, it is clear that Stauroneis diatoms prefer peatlands, which can be more or less acidic or oligotrophicenvironments in freshwaters. In this study, Staurones diatoms were collected mainly from mountain peatlands. Twenty five taxa were confirmed to be species, while some specimens remain unidentified. Approximately twenty specieshave been reported in Korea in the past, but these are largely S. anceps Ehremberg sensu lato, S. phoenicenteron (Nitzsch)Eherenberg sensu lato, and their infraspecies variety or forma. Sixteen of the twenty five Stauroneis taxa found in thissurvey are reported for the first time in Korea.

benthic diatoms, genus Stauroneis, mountain peatlands, oligotrophic habitat



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Journal of Ecology and Environment