ISSN : 2287-8327
We compared the functional traits of leaf blades and culms of common reed (Phragmites australis) in four habitat types of distinguished environments such as temperature, precipitation, water characteristics, and indices related to biomass production (montane fen, MF; riparian marsh, RM; lagoon, LG; and salt marsh, SM). We also examined the relationships between the functional traits within and among populations. Four populations showed remarkable differences in the functional traits of leaf blades and culms. MF and RM had relatively tall (> 300 cm) and thick (> 8 mm) culms bearing long leaf blades (> 40 cm), whereas LG and SM had relatively shorter and thinner culms bearing shorter leaf blades than MF and RM. Some relationships between the functional traits of leaf blades and culms showed negative or not significant correlations within the population, whereas most of the relationships between the functional traits showed positive correlations particularly when all the data from four populations was included into the correlation analysis.
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