ISSN : 0376-4672
In the welfare law for the disabled in Korea, the disabled is defined as “the persons sho have significant limitations of daily or social life due to physical or mental disabilities over a long period.” The number of registered domestic disabled person in 2008survey was approximately 2.1 million. 90% of the disabled was caused by the aposteriori illness or accidents. So, in this aging society, the number of people with disabilities will increase even more. In general, people with physical and mental disabilities tend to have more oral diseases, but, are difficult to get treated. Therefore, a thorough oral care through individualized prevention is more important than ever. In this article, we review the oral care methods in dental office and home and in the hospital for the elderly and finally focus on a denture care method. According to this article, the dental professionals can be able to select and apply the oral care method in agreement with the characteristics of the disabilities. Particularly, it is important to prevent the aspiration pneumonia in the elderly in hospital.
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